Timeline |
May 19, 2008 |
So I finally have a few minutes to work
on the website. I'm posting Greysons 2 year pictures here. These
were taken last October. Only took 3 sessions to get a few good
ones. I guess Greyson isn't interested in being a model.
He is growing soooo fast! Our little boy talks in full sentences
and is into as much trouble as he can find. And he never stops
moving. Greyson has been diagnosed with ADHD which isn't a total
surprise given his daddy has it too. Mommy is just on the hyper
side. We will be looking into meds to help him take the edge off.
We've been going to a behavior psychologist who is helping Greg
and I with parenting techniques to help Greyson. It is much different
dealing with him then other 2 year olds. You have to be overly
positive when he does things right so he doesn't just here that
he is doing something wrong.
Greyson is exteremly smart and out-going. He loves riding his
battery powered yellow H3 and his battery powered Harley motorcycle.
Greg gets his exercise walking briskly behind the vehicles. Greyson
loves that daddy chases him. He now wants to drive Mommys H2.
May 27, 2008
Photo Gallery
The big news is that we are expecting another little boy on
August 8, 2008. Greyson talks to "Baby Brother" in my
tummy. He has gotten to feel the baby move and seems to think
that is pretty cool. I'm on blood pressure meds this time around,
but if I get stressed it still creeps up on my. I'm trying to
not let that happen. My wieght gain is about 3 pounds behind where
I was with Greyson. But I feel freaking huge! This little boy
has made his home way out front so my belly looks like a beach
ball. I passed the glucose test. The biggest issue is the pelvic
pain I have. I was diagnosed with Sacroillidis (sp) last summer.
Basically it means that the hip/pelvic joint rubs bone on bone.
It feels like a toothache in your pelvis. Hurts like crazy! When
I'm not pregnant I can take pain meds and mega doses of anti-inflamitory
meds. Right now all I get is Tylenol and a chiropractor. I work
like I'm about 80 years old and hurt all the time. It wakes me
up every couple of hours so sleeping is difficult. I went out
on medical leave as of May 19 and will probably be out until Baby
makes his appearence. Kind of a bummer as its rather boring. But
since I can't sit at my desk for more then about 15 - 30 minutes
without being in horrible pain there isn't much I can do about
it. At home at least I can change my position and put my feet
up. |
May 29, 2008 |
We started Greyson on his ADHD meds today.
Little pills I have to cut in half. Only ruined a couple so far.
His pupils get really big. I'm told that will go away as his system
gets used to the meds. It seemed to help. He actually sat and watched
his Elmo dvd while I took a shower and got dressed. He has never
sat to watch anything for more then 30 seconds. We stopped by my
office where he promptly took Lauries keys and sat trying to open
all of her desk drawers. So I don't think the meds are hurting his
cognative function. He had a huge melt down about 45 minutes before
the next dose was do. We were warned that might happen. Right now
we are trying to figure out how much he needs and how long it will
last. Its going to be trial and error for a little while until we
figure it out. The 2nd dose did better when it wore off. He didn't
have as drastic a reaction when it was gone. I'm hoping this will
make life easier for all of us. I hope he will get the ability to
focus so we can work on potty training and other cognative things.
He is such a sweet little guy and so smart. I just want him to be
able to function. |
May 31, 2008 |
The new drugs were horrible! They made him angry and moody. We
stopped them after 2 days. Looks like we will be trying something
new. I felt sooo bad for my little boy. What a pain in the butt. |
June 2, 2008 |
The doctor called me on her vacation to
talk about Greysons meds. We changed them to a blood pressure
type. She said wwe did the right thing in stopping the meds and
that he may just be to young for that type. So we'll see how these
do. Its going to be trial and error since there are very few cases
of kids this young going through this.
I had my 30 week checkup today. I'm 7 pounds lighter and 3 cm
bigger then I was with Greyson at this point. I'm measuring big
so I get an ultra sound on the 19th. My BP is a little high and
I have a little swelling, but not as bad as it was the last time.
And the pelvic pain is worse, but at least we are healthy. |
June 8, 2008 |
The new meds are helping. The first few days Greyson was really
tired, but his body has adjusted. In fact I think we will have to
up the dose some. We see the pediatrician on Wed so she'll let me
know. He is more mellow, but not out of it. It seems to help him
concentrate. Greyson actually wits down and plays with his toys
for awhile now. I've never seen him sit for 10 minutes playing with
anything. Its nice. We're having bedtime issues but I don't know
if it has anything to do with the meds. At least hes back to his
happy self. |
June 12, 2008
Photo Gallery
Ok so the meds didn't work. :-( Went to
the doctor yesterday and decided to stop the BP meds bcause Greyson
was having emotional meltdowns. Had 2 at the doctors office so
the Pediatrician and Psychologist got to see them. Now we are
stopping all meds to see if he goes back to normal or if there
is something else going on. Time will tell.
Today is Gregs 45th birthday. Happy Birthday
my Sweet Husband! There are some cute pics from Red Robin for
Greg's birthday. They sang and made him a hat. Greyson was all
about the hat and balloons. I'd like to have gotten a bite of
the sundae!

Here I am at 31 weeks prego. I'm huge! This little boy is going
to be big. And I think a soccer player. He kicks all the time.
June 19, 2008 |
Had my 32 week check up today. Baby is measuring 2 1/2 weeks
ahead and Dr Dalisky is predicting a 9 pound baby. Yikes am I
excited! We got a pic of his face. Baby is holding his foot up
by his face. Much more flexbible then we are. We saw his heart
beating, his spine & bladder. My BP was normal.....totally
shocked me. I only gained one pound. Yay! I'm 9 pounds lighter
then this time with Greyson even though I think I look bigger.
We are still holding to the 8/8/08 due date. Any bets on when
he'll make his appearence?!

July 9, 2008 |
After taking a shower I was bending down to
get something under the sink when I felt a pop and then a gush of
water. Greg was getting ready to leave for a limo run so I went
and told him he wasn't going anywhere as I had just peed myself
or my water had broken. I called Dr Renard since Dr Dalisky was
on vacation. She told me I could hang out at home for awhile since
I wasn't feeling any contractions. Normally I'm organized to the
point of driving Greg crazy, but I didn't have a bag packed, we
hadn't decided on a name and it was 9:15pm and Greyson was asleep.
So I quickly got a bag together. Greg called Al to take his airport
run. I called Becky to have her take Greyson and come to the hospital
with us. And so it began...... |
July 10, 2008 |
We were checked into Silverton Hospital by midnight. I was
having contractions 2 1/2 minutes apart and was dialated to a
tight 3cm. I started to actually feel some of the contractions
at this point, but it wasn't to bad. They confirmed my water had
broken and we would be having our son.
This labor hurt more then the first one. I was shaking and really
concentrating on my breathing to get through the contractions.
I'd have 2 back to back then get about 30-60 seconds to rest.
At 2am the nurse asked if I'd like to labor in the jacuzzi tub.
I didn't get to do that with Greyson because of my high blood
preasure and thought it sounded good so to the tub we went at
about 2:10am. I'm still at a tight 3cm at this point. Poor Greg
was getting dirty looks from the nurses because he had been surfing
on his computer while I was laboring, but there wasn't anything
he could do for me so I was ok with it. Once I got in the tub
Becky told him to come hold my hand. I heard the nurse tell Becky
she was going to the restroom but would be right back. About that
time I had the urge to push....which I told (yelled) to Greg.
With the first push the head crowned. Gregs yelling at Becky to
get the nurse because the baby was crowning. The next push Greg
said he could see the baby's ears so he was yelling the baby is
coming. Beckys yelling to the nurses to get in there because the
baby is coming. One more push and out came baby splash into the
tub just as the 5 or 6 nurses came running into the bathroom.
They scoped him up and put him on my chest. Greg got to call the
time of birth on his watch since he was the only one there to
see it. So at 2:37am Christian Lowell Schiedler arrived.
It took us a couple hours to decide on the name Christian. I
had picked the middle name before we knew we were having a boy.
I've always liked my Grandpa Ikes middle name and wanted to use
that so that is where the Lowell came from. We had debated on
several first names. Christian is my Uncle Marks middle name and
I liked the way it sounded with Lowell. My kind husband decided
it was ok with him so that is the name he got. I found out the
next day that Christian was my Grandpa Ikes best friend in the
Navy and he had died testing an airplane. He was a test pilot
in the Navy and Grandpa was a pilot too. So it turns out there
was more significance to the name then I knew. Most of you don't
know that my beloved Grandpa Ike was diagnosed with terminal cancer
2 weeks before Christian was born. In fact we were scheduled to
fly to CA today to see him, but luckily Grandpa had talked me
out of it before Christian showed up. So it means that much more
to me to be able to name my son after these family members.
Christian was 4 weeks and 1 day early. His lungs weren't developed
completely so he was sent to Emanuel Childrens Hospital in Portland
at about 10:30am. Only Greg and I could go 2 for 2 in having our
kids go to the NICU. They put Christian on CPAF...its a continued
preasure to his lungs to keep them inflated so that he can learn
to breathe easier. He was given antibiotics in case I had Group
Strep B since I hadn't been tested yet. He weighed in at 7lb 1oz
and was 19.5 in long. Imagine if I'd gone to term! |
July 19, 2008
Photo Gallery
I'm skipping ahead to the day before Christian
goes home. He was only on the CPAF for a couple days. They have
been monitoring his weight gain and temp. He's had to learn to
coordinate eating and breathing. He's done really well and rather
quickly. So tomorrow we get to take our little Swimmer Boy home!
We've been staying at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital.
The people here are wonderful and I highly encourage you to donate
to this worthy cause. They charge $20 a day for a nice room. You
do your laundry and clean before you leave. This is a volunteer
house. It has been a godsend to be able to stay here and not have
to run back and forth.
Christian weighed in at 6lb 12 oz today. He seems so tiny to
me. I think Greyson was around 9lb when he came home and was also
a month old. This is a little different. Poor Greyson has had
a rough time with all the going back and forth and staying at
Beckys. He been very stressed. I can't wait to get home with all
my boys. Tomorrow will be a great day! |
Previous Page.
October 1st, 2006 thru September 22nd 2007 |