Timeline |
Baby Schiedler due date 10/25/2005
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October 3rd, 2005 thru November 1st, 2005
Home Page.
February 11th, 2005 |
First faint positive "Pee Test" |
February 13th, 2005 |
Greg's gets the news @ zero dark thirty in the
AM. 10:00ish. |
February 14th, 2005 |
Two full solid Red Lines on the EPT test!
Looks like Jen got garnet earings, a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts
and and a baby for Valentines Day! |
February 16th, 2005 |
First Dr's Office positive serium test. |
February 16th, 2005 |
Greg's Parents & The Baylors are told
the good news @ dinner. |
February 19th, 2005 |
Jen's Parents get to surf the web site and read
the news. |
March 7th, 2005 |
First Ultra Sound and saw the heartbeat! 140bpm...could
it be a boy?? 
Click Image to see a full sized image. |
March 10th, 2005 |
Dr Dalisky says everything is normal. They took
lots of blood and told Greg he has to clean the cat box! |
March 27th,
2005 |
Jen starts trying on maturinty clothes as
a daily wardrobe option. Fat pants don't fit anymore. |
March 31st, 2005 |
First Tummy Shot! 
The two girls! |
April 7th,
2005 |
Baby Bean let Dr. Dalisky find the heartbeat
right away. What a glorious sound! All the blood work came back
great and my blood type is still B+. I gained 5 pounds but think
the cheese cake last night was at least 2 of it. |
April 14th, 2005 |
Genetic tests came back great! Baby was sleeping
for the pics but woke up and waved. We had 30 minutes of ultrasound
time. So strange to see baby moving but not feel it.

Click on image to see a full sized image.

Click on image to see a full sized image.
May 3rd, 2005 |
Dr. Dalisky says everything looks great. Heartrate
was 148....still in boy range? We have the "big" ultrasound
at the next apt on June 9th. I gained another 5 lbs. but who's counting?
:-) |
11th, 2005 |
2nd Tummy Shot!  |
June 9th, 2005 |

We decided to find out what the sex is but Baby had other ideas.
Dr. Dalisky spent 40 minutes taking measurements and looking for
boy/girl parts, but the cord was between the Baby's legs. The
little bugger moved constantly but not where we wanted. Looks
like Baby will be hyper like the parents. We will try again at
the next visit with another ultrasound. Heartrate was 146 bpm.
Baby measured 4 days ahead of schedule but the due date stayed

Belly picture at 20 weeks 2days. Yes there is only one baby in
July 7th, 2005
I'm a Boy!!!!!!!! |

Baby Boy is shy. He didn't want to show hs face or his boy
parts, but Dr Dalisky saw enough to say boy. He also told us
to keep clothing receipts just in case he was wrong. Heart rate
was 146 and all is good.
July 11th, 2005 |

24 weeks 6 day belly picture. The little guys is wiggling alot
these days. |
Nursery Pictures!
Click to see a full sized image. |

Since I will be in there alot I picked a theme that I liked.
Snoopy was a favorite from my childhood thanks to my Grandpa Ike
so my little boy will hopefully like it too. |
August 2, 2005 |
I passed the glucose and iron tests! Heartbeat
was loud and clear. I'm measuring 4 cm ahead of schedule but Dr.
D. thinks its just because I'm retaining so much water. I don't
think my feet will ever be narrow again! |
August 6, 2005 |

28 weeks 4 days. Look Mom no ankle bones! |
September 1, 2005 |
Dr. Dalisky says everything is still on target.
I'm going to see him every 2 weeks now. I'm still measuring ahead
but we don't plan on the due date changing. Retaining lots of water....I
now have cankles! |
September 10, 2005 |
We had a great time with family and friends. Thank
you all so much for the wonderful gifts! We will have a wll dressed
baby. Thanks to Jodi for all the work and effort she put into making
our shower so great. Click on the link at the left to see pictures. |
September 19, 2005 |
I'm officially on maternity leave as of
tomorrow. BP was a little high and still have quite a bit of swelling.
Heart rate for Baby is normal and we are growing on target. Found
out stretch marks being herditary is true. Thanks Mom! Belly picture
at 34 weeks 6 days PG. And I lost a pound and a half this week.
September 22, 2005 |
BP was better. Was told to take it easy but that
I could go to the balloon rally in Prosser WA. |
September 26, 2005 |
BP was up to 142/92 and I gained 7.5 lbs since
Thur. So it looks like I have Toxemia and am now stuck at home on
bedrest. I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Maybe Baby will come
early afterall. I hope so since I can only handle so much daytime
tv. |
September 29, 2005 |
Lost 7 lbs since being on bedrest since the swelling
has gone down. BP was up to 150/102 so I'm not to do anything but
rest. Guess the house will stay dirty. Dr. D. says he thinks Baby
is 8 1/2 lbs. I can hardly wait to push the big guy out! He will
induce me if my BP doesn't stablize or go down. I'm still 1cm dilated
and now 60% effaced. |
October 3, 2005 |
Page. October 3rd, 2005 thru November
1st, 2005
Home Page.