Timeline |
Page. February 11th, 2005 thru September 29th, 2005
Next Page.
October 29th, 2005 thru January 28th, 2006 |
October 3, 2005 |
was up a little again, but no weight gain. So tomorrow is the big
day....I was scheduled to be induced at 6am. Greg is less then impressed
with the early hour not that I'm all that excited to be put into
pain so early in the day. We are both a bundle of nerves but excited
to finally be able to meet our son. He will share my brother David's
birthday. Say a prayer that everything goes well and all are healthy.
October 4, 2005 Photo
Baby will be here!!!!! {Maybe....}
4:00Am Jen's Alarm
4:15Am Greg's Alarm(Backup)
5:04Am Phone call from Silverton Hospital. (No room at the Inn
call us at 10:00Am to see if we have a bed available)
5:31Am Starbucks Greg's White Chocolate Mocha
and Jen's Vanilla Bean Frappuccino® Blended Crème &
Chocolate Old Fashioned donut.
Like we could go back to bed NOT!
12:00pm arrive @ Silverton Hospital
The room is ready @ 2:00Pm Induction begins!

October 4, 2005 Photo
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About 9:00Pm it is discovered the Greyson
has a condition that is called Bladder
Exstrophy.(Click here for details).
Greyson will have to be transported via the Panda Transport Team
of OHSU/Doernbecher NICC.
11:30Pm Greyson gets his first Chauffeured car ride in the Panda
Transport Team Ambulance (Greyson'sGrandma Bette
would like the fact that Greyson had a Panda Bear go with him
for his first ride) The Bear is visiable in the picture below.
You can see the White Head and Black Ears wearing a red shirt.
Just below the Right corner of the White Box on top held by the
Red strap.).
He was to have his first ride home via one of Oregon
Rental Services's limousines. AKA one of dad's limo's.
October 5, 2005 Photo
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12:45 Am We are informed that Greyson has arrived @ Doernbecher
Childrens Hospital an to expect a call in about an hour after
arrival with the first Children's Hospital's On-Call Pediatrician.
2:35 Am phone call from the Pediatric Urologist with the initial
confirmation of Greyson's defect. He pelvis is twisted, and they
are going to do a lateral incision and put the bladder back where
it needs to be. And to do some reconstructive surgery on the head
of his penis. And we were told that it would be a long surgery.
And we should expect a 2nd call at 7:30ish this morning.
7:56 Am web-site update.
9:30 Am Dr Hudson called with the initial evaluation. Surgery
is scheduled for today at 1:00 PM and depending on if they can
do re-construction of the Penis, surgery could take up to 10 Hours.
From what I'm told they will make a lateral incision and adjust/close
the pelvis, and then place the bladder in the pelvis. It is unknown
as of this moment if any re-construction can be done with this
Post surgery we are looking at 5-6 weeks in the OHSU/Doernbecher
NICU. I guess the next 5-6 days Greyson will be heavily sedated
and that they will shunt each Kidney and place a cathader in the
12:00 & 12:19Pm the Anethistist called. She is from Germany
and could pronounce my last name correctly. She has a noticable
German accent and sounds like she has Greyson's best interest(s)
in mind.
3:35 Pm Greyson's surgery starts
6:00 Pm Jen is discharged from Silverton Hospital.
6:30 Pm In the process of unpacking the Envoy. I about lost it
having to place items in the nursery knowing that Jen has delivered
and we are both back home witout our son. It is a terrible feeling
to know that at this moment there is nothing that I can do but
wait for news about the surgery in progress.
7:00 Pm Greyson is still in surgery and the orthapedic surgeon
has started his phase of the surgery. Greyson so far is doing
9:00 Pm Dr. Tucker the Orthapedic Surgeon called with an update.
Dr Tucker has finished what they are calling closue of the pelvis.
The Pelvis forms a ring of bone that the hips attach to. In Greyson's
case the front of the pelvis was not closed. Ie. it looked more
like a C and needed to become an O. So I'm told that the hips
are not in a perfect alignment per normal being a bit forward
and Greyson's are going to be more centered. Currently there are
Two Pediatric Urologis working on their portion of the surgery.
After this phase is complete Dr Tucker will have to cast Greyson's
feet to imobolize him to allow him to heal. This is hard to absorbe
being a new father and hearing about what my newborn son of just
slightly over 25 hours into his life is having to endure. Jen
and I will be traveling to Portland tomorrow to visit Greyson
in the hospital and take up Jen's Breast Milk for him.
11:00 Pm Greyson is out of surgery! And at this point is doing
fantastic. Everything about Greyson is perect minus his defect.
He will remain sedated & inibated(breathing tube) for the
immediate future. This is to insure that he remains perfectly
still and give his pelvis a chance to heal/fuse to protect all
the work that has been done so far. I guess that he has a blue
cast with a bar between the knees. Jen and I will be meeting with
Dr. Hudson later tomorrow and go over the before and after pictures.
Greg. |
October 6, 2005 Photo
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2:30Pm this is how Greyson looked when we
arrived at OHSU for our first of what will be many visits to see
our son. Dr. Tucker asked us if Blue would be OK when he casted
Greyson when he called about 9:00Pm yesterday. We got to meet four
of the five doctors that assisted with Greyson's surgery. 
His is very puffy today due to the fluids he gained during surgery.
The swelling/puffiness will dissipate over the coming days. In the
picutre below {scar looks like it extends directly
from Greyson's middle finger} you can see one of the two
incisions that Greyson has on each side of his pelvis. In a nut
shell his pelvis was relaxed {ie. broken}
on each side so the the C shaped pelvis could be closed back into
the O shape is should of been. This allowed his bladder to be placed
behind the pubic bone and the lower abdomen to be closed. His belly
button which was abnormally low was also moved into a normal position.

Greyson has an IV drip of some drug that will help him not remember
any of this portion of his hospital stay, one for antibotics and
one for pain. The day nurse said that he did open his eyes today
when she lifted him the 15% to prevent bed sores from developing.
In the picture above the tube that is inserted thru the belly button
is plumbed into Greyson's bladder to remove any urine that makes
it by the two kidney shunts. The urine from each kidney is collected
via the two striped tubes that seem to cross near the belly button
area. One is white and one green and they are extremely small tubes.
We were told that these would be removed by the time Greyson goes
home. The bladder tube may or may not be removed by that time. His
is currently on a ventalator also until Monday when the sedation
will be reduced. I was told when he has a bowel movement it is a
team effor to pick him straight up and then change the pad below
His cast was split on each side horozontially in this picture and
expanded to make sure that he had adequate room with all the swelling
etc. etc. |
October 7, 2005 |
Well this isn't quite how I thought being a new mom was going
to be. But since I believe God only gives you what you can handle
I know we will get through this. I have a beautiful son and am
so thankful to have him in my life. My husband is my strength.
He was so loving and strong during the labor and delivery and
has been even more so since we found out Greyson had this problem.
Greg is such a wonderful and loving man and I am truly blessed
to have him in my life.
The birth experience is something that I have trouble putting
into words. It hurt and was scary but once I could push and knew
that my son would enter the world soon things calmed for me. Sharing
the experience with my husband and mom seemed so right. And I'm
glad Christopher was there recording the moment for us. Given
the outcome of Greysons condition and the fact that he was transferred
to Portland I'm so glad Christopher took the pics and the video
so that I have something to look at while I'm waiting to bring
Greyson home.
We will be going to visit our handsome son later today. My milk
is starting to come in and we have almost 8 oz to take to him.
We will post more later on the visit.
I want to thank all of our friends and family for the thougthful,
loving notes and calls they have given us. It helps to know that
we have people who care so much about us and our son. This is
a tough time, but we are survivors and will get through this.
I'm trying to respond to all the calls and emails but it is taking
me some time. Please bare with me and know that I will respond
as soon as I'm able. Please feel free to call us or email us.
Don't worry about saying the wrong thing or that you are bothering
A special thank you to my Mom, Lana, her husband John, my sister
Mindy and nephew Bryce and Christopher. Your being there for the
birth of our son and sharing all that has gone on means more then
we can say. You are special to us.
Jen & I went to visit Greyson late on the 7th. Greyson has
7 pumps into various IV's. We got to see the night nurse get ready
to re-fill(aka replace) two of the pumps. Jen and I also got to
give Greyson a back rub as he was turned the 15% to prevent bed
sores. We also learned that he may get his ventalator removed
on Saturday and that he was not receiving any added oxygen via
the ventalotor. We met the ventalation tech and also saw the nurse
suction some crud from his throat/lungs. He may also start receiving
some of Jen's Colostrum. |
October 8th, 2005 Photo
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Greyson's Guestbook. View Greyson's
Guestbook |
October 9, 2005 |
Grandma Bette and and neighbor Debi McNulty went with Greg and
I to visit Greyson today. He looked a little less puffy and is healing.
The nurse says he is doing just fine, but she doesn't think he will
be extabated (breathing tube removed) tomorrow. I'm going to check
in with Greyson's doctors tomorrow after rounds to see what they
have decided to do. |
October 10, 2005 |
We talked to Dorene one of Greyson's day
nurses this morning. The doctors are going to gradually reduce
the sedation medication so that the breathing tube will be able
to come out in the next couple of days. She told us that Greyson
is already less sedated then he was when she saw him last Friday.
There is a tight balance between keeping him resting enough to
not move, reduce the meds enough to be able to remove the tube.
Greyson is going to get his first breast milk today. I'm excited
about that since I'm pumping every 2 hours during the day and
every 4 at night. I'm the newest Dairy Queen in Salem! We will
be visiting our handsome, sweet son later tonight.
Greyson is getting 5 cc's of milk every 3 hours. His swelling
has gone way down so much so that his feet look like they are
shrinking into his casts. He flinched a couple of times and tried
to open his eyes a little when Greg was talking to him. He briefly
held my finger. He is looking more like a baby then he was. Our
son is sooooo cute! |
October 12, 2005 Photo
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Greyson was more awake tonight. He tried to open is eyes when
his Daddy was talking to him. He held my pinky and moved his arms
a couple of times. They have been cutting his sedation meds in
half each day so he will come awake slowly. His color is great
and his incisions on his hips are healing well. He wiggles his
toes on his own now not just when Greg tickles them. He is off
the lippids (fat) so that is one less pump on the IV. Yay!

October 13, 2005 |
Nurse Valerie says Greyson is getting 45 cc's
(about an ounce and a half) of milk through a pump. He ventilator
is turned down to 20 but his respiration is 35-40 so he is doing
more breathing on his own. He gets a little lazy in his breathing
still but should be off the vent tomorrow unless he gets pushy and
tries to pull it out himself. If that happens it will come out today.
He is of the Fentynal (sp) and Max-something which were the sedation
meds. He is pooping well. I'm sure he will be thrilled to see that
I wrote then when he is able to read. :-) I'm told that once he
is off the ventilator I will be able to breast feed him. I'm nervous
about that since he is still in the cast and I don't want to hurt
him. |
October 14, 2005 Photo
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Greyson is off the ventilator! Yeah! He is breathing on his own
with a little oxygen in his nose. He is down to 4 pumps on his IV
from the 7 of last week. They took him off the breast milk fo a
little while as he was barfing (technical term from his nurse Dorene),
but they aren't sure if its from being in pain or coming of the
heavy sedation meds. We were told tonight that the doctor is going
to put him back on the brast milk and see how he does. He is on
Methadone to help him deal handle the withdrawl of the meds. It
is so nice to be able to see his entire face again! Every new nurse
he gets tells us how good and how adorable he is. Of course we agree.
We took a wash cloth with us to put with Greyson to pick up his
sent so that our dogs could smell him. It will be fun to see how
the spoiled puppies react when Greyson comes home. |
October 15, 2005 Photo
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I spent 2 hours with Greyson and his nurses
today. He is doing great. They put him back on 5 cc's of breast
milk through the gavage tube every 3 hours with the fluids he was
already getting. No fever today. They removed the arterial line
which left a nice bruise on his left hand. Porr little guy! He is
passing urine through his bladder tube more now and less through
the kidney tubes. This is wonderful since that is where it should
be going. Doreen is going to try giving Greyson a nipple to practice
sucking on next week. Hopefully we will be able to give him a bottle
soon. Until he can be moved breastfeeding isn't going to work. Nurse
Carrie and I are trying to find something to sign Greyson's cast
with that will show up on the blue cast. We think it would be fun
for him to keep his cast if we can manage that. |
October 16, 2005 Photo
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My little man is off all his IV meds! All he is getting through
the IV is fluids and once he is up to full breastmilk feedings
that IV will go away too. Dorene was trying to get him to use
a bottle when I got there today. He sucked a little then decided
that it was less work to take the feeding trough the tube. I was
able to try feeding him a bottle again before I left but he was
to sleepy. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Greyson got his first
bath today. Doreen and another nurse gave him a spundge bath.
Turns out his hair isn't as dark as we thought now that it is
clean! The bath helped get some of the scaley skin off too. He
is only getting Tylenol for pain and his daily antibiotic and
a little Mehtedone now. He tried to open his eyes but just didn't
quite do it while I was there. Greyson did respond to my voice
and my touch today. He moved his head toward me and hung on to
my finger.
Dr. Hudson called today to give us an update. He is thrilled
with Greyson's progress. Most of his urine is going through the
bladder tube now so his kidney tubes should come out this week.
The doctors will be discussing a goal date for Greyson to go home
tomorrow or Tuesday. I'm thinking it will be in 2-3 weeks. He
may come home with his cast on but we aren't sure yet. Things
are moving right along and life is good!
October 17, 2005 |
Greyson was having trouble breathing so they
up his oxygen. Freaked me out to see him breathing so hard. I almost
lost it at the hospital for the first time. It is such a lousy feeling
to be powerless to help you baby. He did open his eyes a little
while we were there. It is a struggle for him to be that awake yet
but he is getting there. After we left his nurse looked up his nose
with a flashlight to find it was crusty and plugged. She spent 30
minutes suctioning it out and then he could breathe better. I guess
the nasal O2 can dry out the nose even with the humidified air.
She was able to drop him to 30% O2 from the 60% he was at with the
plugged up nose. I felt like a schmuck for not thinking of asking
if his nose was plugged. My sweet hubby reminded me that we are
novices at this and the nurses are the experts. I'm just glad he
is breathing better! |
October 18, 2005 Photo
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Greyson opened his eyes for us tonight. They are such a pretty
shade of blue! He looked much more comnfortable tonight. The last
IV is out and his right kidney line is out. Nurse Daniella was
going to give him a bath and put him in a t-shirt. He still has
the O2 in his nose but the amount has gone down. He is on full
breastmilk of 2 oz. They tried the bottle but he was still to
tired to suck on it much so the milk is going through the tube
into his tummy. He pooped while we were there so we got to learn
how to change his diaper under the cast
The best news is that Greyson may get to come home the week of
Oct. 31st! So keep your fingers crossed. We will learn more over
the next week |
October 19, 2005 Photo
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Dr. Turker (orhtopedic doc) is on vacation
until 10/25 so Dr. Hudson will talk to him about us holding Greyson
and having x-rays taken then. It still sounds like Greyson will
come home with his cast and the bladder draining tube. Part of me
is excited beyon words at the thought of having him home with us
and part of me is absolutely scared to death. What do we know about
babies let alone our little guy with his owies? The doctors and
nurses assure us that everything will be fine and that they will
teach us what we need to know. Greyson took 2 of his feeds from
the bottle and is learning the art of breathing, sucking and swallowing.
Took a little trial and effort but he figured it out. When he is
to tired to nurse he gets his feeds through the gavage tube. He
got another bath and even was able to put a shirt on. He's off the
O2 so the only tape on his face now is for the feeding tube. He
looks like a little boy now. I think he is going to have my butt
chin afterall. They are weaning him off the Methadone and he still
gets Tylenol for pain. Our little miracle is going great! |
October 20, 2005 Photo
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Greyson actually opened his eyes when I had the camera with
me today. They cut his Methadone from 3x a day to 2x a day so
he is awake much more. He cooed and smiled at me. I got to attempt
to feed him his bottle today but I didn't do it as well as the
nurses and he cried and drooled on his chin. He doesn't make much
noise when he cries because his throat is probably still sore
from the breathing tube. He is eating 70 cc's of milk which is
a little over 2 oz. I was able to help change his diaper and wipe
up spit up today. He follows my voice and movements with his eyes.
Greyson is handsome and just too cute for words.....but I guess
I'm prejudice. |
October 21, 2005 |
Greyson is getting a calorie additive to his
breastmilk to help him gain weight. They didn't want to up his fedding
amount as he spits up if he gets too much. He's still learning to
eat. He took a a couple of his feedings entirely through the bottle
which is progress. They added intermitant suction to his bladder
tube to help it drain better. So he is just hanging out and healing
up. We got the first notice from the insurance company.....$58,905.64
for the first 5 days at the hospital. We son....the 6 figure baby! |
October 22, 2005 Photo
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Greg got to feed Greyson for the first time. He managed to get
him to eat 35 cc's out of the bottle and the rest was put in his
feeding tube. They were waxing the floors in the NICU so they moved
Greyson and his roommates to Pod 4. Greyson was not happy about
the move and was cranky when we got there. He was hungry and had
stuff in his nose. I had the nurse suction out his nose which ticked
him off more. Poor little guy was balling his head off....as much
as he can with his little bitty voice. After his feeding he promptly
went to sleep. They also took his kidney stint out today so he is
down to the bladder tube, ekg, feeding tube and pos ox. |
October 23, 3005 |
Greyson was sleeping when we went to visit.
It was a quiet day in Pod 4. We both tried to talk Greyson into
waking up and opening his eyes but he wouldn't go for it. The nurses
said he was doing fine and taking some of his feeds from the bottle. |
October 24, 2005 |
They cut his Methodone down to once a day so he should be more
awake now. Dorene is still saying we need to learn to put in the
feeding tube. I told her to tell my son to eat out of the dang bottle.
We shall see how that works when we go up later. |
October 25, 2005
Photo Gallery
Greyson's original due date. Greyson had an
x-ray of his hips today and we are waiting for the doctors to read
them. Dorene showed us how to put the feeding (gavage) tube down
his nose. I cried and Greg didn't say a word. I don't think Daddy
wants to have to do that anymore then Mommy does. Greyson throw
a fit for Dorene so at least we know what to expect. |
October 26, 2005 |
I got to hold my son for the first time since the day he was
born!!!!! He x-rays look great as the bones are fusing back together.
We can now hold Greyson and put him in a carseat to practice sitting.
They can also lay him on his side. The ocupational therapist visted
with Greyson and I to see how he was eating. She showed me some
techniques to use to encourage him to suck more. She also gave
us some exercises to do with a promise of more for use at home.
We need to build Greyson's muscle tone in his shoulders, chest
and back. We tried to breastfeed for the first time. Greyson throw
the same fit he does when he gets his bottle, but did latch on.
He managed a few good sucks before he went to sleep. It was a
long 40 minutes for us but he has the instincts to do what he
is supposed to do. It was a long tiring but rewarding day for
Mom and Son!
The best news is that Greyson will come home the beginning of
next week minus the cast! Dr. Hudson will also cap his bladder
cathater so Greyson will be peeing in his diaper just like all
little boys. We will go back to vist the doctors a week or two
after that for ultra sound on his kidneys and bladder and if all
is well the cathater will come out. Then we play the waiting game
for the next surgery in 6-9 months. |
October 27, 2005 |
Gresyon and I worked with the occupational
therapist Michelle today. We tried sitting up for the first time.
We sat Greyson up a little more every few minutes so he could
get used to it and not get dizzy. He tolerated it just fine and
sat with me for 45 minutes. The picture was taken just after he
barfed all over me for the first time. I have been puke labeled
by my son! We tried breastfeeding again and he latched on in between
throwing a fit. He throws the same fit at the bottle so I don't
take it to personal. He hasn't figured out the corelation of the
sucking equeals food and a full tummy. He'll figure it out eventually.
Grandma Bette and Daddy came to visit while I was there. Greyson
was actually awake for Grandma this time. The nurses keep telling
us what a sweetheart he is and how mellow. I think he is just
about the best thing there is!
October 28, 2005 Photo
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We worked on breastfeeding again. Greyson is getting better but
still isn't sure what eating is all about. He seems to think my
breast is a good substitue for a binky but isn't quite sure what
the milk is for. I put the feeding tube down his nose for the first
time today. Greyson wasn't to excited about it but he gets mad at
whoever does this deed. It was easier then I thought it would be
but still isn't in my top 10 of things I want to do to my son. We
did a little practice at sitting upright again today. Greyson was
tired so we didn't work to hard today. Come to think of it Mom was
tired too. Will we ever have a full nights sleep again?? |
October 29.2005 Photo
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I spent a few hours with Greyson again today.
He took 35 cc's of milk out of the bottle I fed him which was about
10 more then the nurse got him to do. He was pretty tired today
so I just held him and watched him. |
October 30, 2005 Photo
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Greg got to hold Greyson for the first time since he was born.
He also was able to bottle feed him. Poor guy was using a nipple
without a hole in it for 15 minutes and didn't realize it. I don't
know who was more irritated Greg or Greyson! Greyson still managed
to down 25 cc's of milk so imagine how he'd have done with a real
nipple. Dr's Hudson and Marr stopped by to check on things while
we were there. Can you believe two specialty doctors (urologists)
stopped to visit on a Sunday! |
October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween Photo
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Greyson got his casts off today! He weighs
in at 8 lbs 15 oz and is moving his pudgy little legs just fine.
His skin is pealing but other then that there don't seem to be
any issues with having the casts. He was supposed to come home
today but developed a bacterial infection in his urine sample
so that was put on hold. This is a common occurance for babies
in the hospital and he most likely got it through the belly button
tube that goes to his bladder. After consulting with the Infectious
Disease doctor at the Center for Disease Control who said he didn't
think Greyson needed treatment since he doesn't show signs of
being sick it was decided to go ahead and give him IV anti-biotics
tonight. Tomorrow they will inject dye into his kidneys and bladder
to see if they are healed from his surgery. If they are then his
bladder tube will come out. Yeah! Then he will get a 2nd round
of anti-biotics tomorrow night and go home Wed. Dr. Hudson wants
to be aggresive just to make sure Greyson comes home safe and
healthy. I certainly appreciate that and am thankful he thinks
that way, but the Mom in me was totally disappointed to not take
her baby home today. I finally lost it at the NICU and cried on
the nurses shoulders. Guess even Mom's can't be stoic all the
time. The advantage to all of this is that he will come home without
the bladder tube. If by some chance he isn't healed then it will
be 7-10 days of anti-biotics through the IV before he can come
Now the fun stuff. Dorene gave him a major scrub down after the
casts came off. His hair got washed too. Greyson was not impressed
with all the cleaning and throw a fit. Then I got there with his
pumpkin costume and we changed his clothes. He threw another fit,
but at least looked really cute doing it. We did the photo opp
thing and several nurses came over to check him out. He is a popular
guy at the NICU. |
November 1, 2005
Greyson goes home!!!!! |
I was in the car on the way to Portland talking to Greg on
the cell phone when the hospital called him and said we could
take Greyson home today. So I turned around and went back home.
I had to get the going home bag and Greg. Of course we were expecting
this to happen on Wed so we weren't prepared for the sudden change.
Greg had to run to Albany to return a limo and get another car.
I was finishing up the last couple of things around the house.
We got to the NICU at 5pm in time for Greg to finish feeding
Greyson. Christopher and Maria joined us so Christopher could
take the official "Bust the Kid out of Jail" pictures.
I got to changed Greyson's diaper and outfit. He threw a huge
fit over that as he always does. The boy doesn't like to be naked.
We figured out how to put him in the carseat, gathered all the
bags of stuff Greyson was sent home with and off we went. It took
both of us to figure out the carseat base since the lady that
was supposed to come out and show us and check it wasn't there.
It ain't rocket sceince but it's darned close! I sat in the back
with Greyson and home we went.
Greg and I looked at each other and agreed that we couldn't believe
they let us leave with this poor defensless child. Are they crazy??
Greyson came home with his feeding tube, Tylenol and some anti-biotics.
His test came out great so they took out his bladder tube in the
afternoon. Everyone thinks he is doing just fine and didn't need
to be in the NICU anymore. We go back to see the urologist and
orthpedist in 2 weeks and our pediatritian in a week. And Greyson
didn't inherit cataracts like his Mom and Grandma Lana....woohoo!
We also learned that our friends the Johnson's had their little
boy on Halloween. We consider these babies to be cousin's through
ballooning and can't wait for them to meet. Congrats to Nic and
Krysti! |
Previous Page. February
11th, 2005 thru September 29th, 2005 Next
Page. October 29th, 2005 thru January
28th, 2006 |